Falls and the risk of falls happen as our bodies age due to a variety of reasons that include weakness, spinal stenosis, vertigo, visual loss, and/or decreased function of the vestibular system (inner ear). The consequences of falling can be life threatening. Seniors at risk of falling should take steps to decrease their fall risk.
Are You at Risk for Falling?
- Previous stroke or general weakness
- Diabetic Neuropathy (sensation loss in feet)
- Spinal stenosis
- Poor coordination
- Visual loss or vertigo
- Loss of balance with walking
- Change in mental status
- Multiple medications
- Vestibular System Hypo-Function
Our physical therapy programs at Reid Physical Therapy evaluate the primary and secondary risk factors causing loss of balance and design a specific program to improve overall well-being and decrease the chance of falling.
Vestibular System Hypo-Function Defined
You have a semicircular canal in the inner ear in each dimension (Superior, Lateral, Posterior) filled with endolymph fluid that pushes hair cells, activating nerves in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum. Your brain integrates these signals to maintain balance. As the body ages, the Vestibular System may slow down causing increased unsteadiness with walking and standing.